- Remove the handpiece and press the foot pedal.
- If air is coming out, it means your handpiece is clogged.
- After every use, it is important to flush out your AIRFLOW® and PERIOFLOW® lumens.
- Use a syringe filled with water, attach it to the EMS EasyClean and insert into your handpiece.
- Empty the syringe to flush your handpiece.
- Repeat this process 2-3 times.
- If your handpiece is still clogged, soak it in warm water for 20 minutes and then use the EasyClean to flush it again.
- The next thing to check, is your Powder Chamber.
- Release the Powder Chamber from the device.
- Place your finger over the hole of your Powder Chamber and shake it to loosen up the powder.
- Check if this resolves the issue.
- If not, you need to remove the cap from the Powder Chamber and remove all powder.
- Blow compressed air into the Powder Chamber to clean it out.
- If this also does not fix the issue, and you see that powder is being released from the cap after pressurisation, or the chamber lighting up and blinking with a white colour, the problem might be with the cord.