Guided Biofilm Therapy

Book Your Demo Today!

Get started with Guided Biofilm Therapy

Whether you want to improve efficiencies, provide superior biofilm management or build a profitable hygiene department, GBT is the solution to help you grow better.


Increase your WOM referrals

Increase your retention rate

Increase your bottom line

Your Test Drive Options

Online GBT Presentation

15 Minutes

Want to learn how Guided Biofilm Therapy and AIRFLOW® can be the ultimate practice builder but you’re poor on time?

Book a 15 minute GBT presentation with our Swiss-trained GBT Specialist and learn how your practice and your patients can benefit from Guided Biofilm Therapy.

Live Clinic Consultation

90 Minutes

One of our friendly GBT Specialists will visit you in your dental practice with the award-winning AIRFLOW® device.

They will provide a customised GBT presentation and live product demonstration. You’ll experience the GBT ‘wow’ factor from the comfort of your own dental chair.

*Demonstrations are performed on the AIRFLOW® Prophylaxis Master device. If your practice is interested in the AIRFLOW® ONE device, your GBT Specialist will demonstrate the AIRFLOW® side of the unit only.

Free Trial

14 Days

Currently only available in VIC and SA.

Your practice must be located within 2 hours of Melbourne or Adelaide. Contact your local GBT Specialist if you do not meet these criteria to discuss alternative trial options.

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