Make Biofilm Visible

Why Disclose?
- Most of the biofilm is invisible to the naked-eye
- For patient motivation and Oral Health Instruction (OHI)
- To guide clinicians to use AIRFLOW® only where it’s needed
- Evidence of clinical outcome: Color removed = biofilm removal
Benefits of Diclosing
- Show patient disclosed biofilm
- The color will guide the biofilm removal
- Once biofilm is removed, calculus is easier to detect
Key Fact
In 2016, the independent German consumer group “Stiftung Warentest” revealed that only 50% of biofilm is removed interdentally during a standard professional tooth cleaning. The GBT step 02 (disclose) ensures that clinicians do not overlook removing any biofilm.
"I realized that disclosing the patient is not just about showing the patient where the biofilm remains... but it is also a critical part of effective biofilm removal for us as the clinician."
Juliette Reeves, Dental Hygienist, United Kingdom