The Instrument PSR and Instrument PSL are recommended for calculus removal supra- and subgingivally up to 8mm. They access difficult-to-reach distal and mesial interproximal surfaces with superior efficacy and comfort.
Comfortable & Minimally Invasive
The linear movement of the Instrument PSL and Instrument PSR is minimally invasive, contributing to the patient’s comfort.
"The Instrument PSL and Instrument PSR were a delight to work with. I removed calculus from furcations and from distal of upper molars that I had previously left behind. I didn't need to twist into uncomfortable positions in order to get good access, which meant less stretching and pulling of the patients tissues and less strain on my wrists and my neck. Because access was easier, it felt less invasive for the patient which complimented my minimally invasive approach."
Heavy Calculus Removal
The Instrument PSL and Instrument PSR have superior efficacy in heavy calculus removal compared to the Instrument PS. They are time saving, especially during initial periodontal therapy and are indicated for adult patients. With this versatile innovation, the use of Instruments A and P is no longer required.
Swiss Innovation
Like the Instrument PS, the Instrument PSL and Instrument PSR are smooth and as thin as a periodontal probe. Left and right angulations provide complete accessibility to all tooth surfaces, including furcations with optimal ergonomics. The patented* design of Instrument PSL and Instrument PSR provides a unique combination of efficiency and movement linearity. The instruments are SWISS MADE: designed, produced, and tested in Switzerland. * Patent pending.
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