Eloise Bensch
Eloise Bensch is a highly respected Dental Hygienist with extensive experience in serving her community. Her unwavering commitment to helping patients with periodontal and implant diseases is evident in the exceptional level of care she provides. Eloise graduated in South Africa in 2002 and began her career in New Zealand. She honed her skills in various dental practices and was an active volunteer with the New Zealand Dental Hygiene Association. Eloise even served as President from 2007-2009.
Eloise is deeply committed to helping patients who suffer from dental anxiety and hypersensitivity. She advocates for the use of GBT® and PIEZON® protocols, which she has successfully implemented in three branches of her current dental practice. Her patients appreciate the pain-free process and Eloise's dedication to providing high-quality care.
Her expertise in maintaining and treating periodontal and implant diseases is unparalleled, and her patients trust her implicitly to provide them with the best possible care. She consistently strives to improve her practice and is always on the lookout for new ways to enhance patient experience.