Prof Ian Meyers
Prof Meyers is a general dental practitioner and an honorary professor at The University of Queensland School of Dentistry. Over the last thirty-five years, he has been involved in dental research, clinical dentistry, private practice, university and hospital-based dental clinics. He is fellow of the International College of Dentists, Academy of Dentistry International, the Pierre Fauchard Academy, and the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons.
Among his previous positions are the inaugural Colgate Chair of Dental General Practice Dentistry, Chief Dental Officer for Queensland Health, and President of the Queensland Branch of the Australian Dental Association. In January 2017 he commenced in the role of Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Dental Association (Queensland).
Throughout his career as an academic, and as a clinical general dental practitioner, Ian Meyers has developed extensive experience in comprehensive patient care, diagnosis and management of worn and broken down dentition, geriatric and aged care dentistry, adhesive restorative dentistry and dental materials, and the management of patients through minimum intervention dentist.