Lifting the Lid on Air-Polishing Powders

What's safest for you and your patients

Speaker: Dr Marcel Donnet

Friday, 8th November 2019

1 CPD Hour

About the Webinar

Do you avoid using air polishing in your practice? You may have preconceived notions that the powders are only for supragingival use, the ingredients could be harmful to you and your patients and concerns about the aerosols. EMS are the innovators behind AIRFLOW® technology. AIRFLOW® is more advanced than any air-polishing technology you have tried in the past. It is the only technology to have a patented powder and be 100% backed by external scientific studies. With the growing body of external evidence supporting AIRFLOW® technology and EMS AIRFLOW® powders, clinicians should familiarise themselves with this research. This webinar will address any concerns that you’ve ever had about AIRFLOW® powder technology.

This webinar is designed to highlight the safety of AIRFLOW® with EMS AIRFLOW® powders. It will show that AIRFLOW® powders are proven to be safe, effective and efficient. The ingredients of AIRFLOW® powders will be examined in detail – why Erythritol? Is chlorhexidine in a pocket safe? What silica is included? Can it be harmful to my skin & lungs? Get all your questions answered!

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognise the safety of AIRFLOW® Powders
  • Gain a greater understanding of the ingredients in AIRFLOW® Powders
  • Is this a safe treatment for implants?
  • Safety of powder in subgingival areas
  • What is CPC?

Webinar Speaker

Dr Marcel Donnet

Dr Marcel Donnet

Dr Marcel Donnet first studied chemical engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland. After obtaining his Masters, he completed a PhD in Powder Technology. In 2002, on completion of his PhD, he co-founded a tech start-up company called Techpowder.

It was in 2004 that Dr Marcel Donnet joined EMS as an AIRFLOW Powder Specialist. Dr Donnet manages the research and development of all AIRFLOW powders and is instrumental in the development of AIRFLOW devices and accessories.

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