Sarah Laing
Sarah Laing is a registered Dental Hygienist and Clinical Educator, who practices with Dr Sara Byrne, Periodontist. She is the past Clinical Program Manager at D-spa Group/Bupa and currently a Lecturer in Oral Health (Periodontics and Health Policy), First year and Oral Health Practice 1. coordinator at the University of Melbourne. She has been working with Swiss Dental Academy/EMS since 2022 as a clinical educator and lecturer.
Sarah has worked within the Dental industry since 1996, graduating in 2001 from the University of Melbourne with a Diploma of Oral Health (Dental Hygiene).
She spent the first ten years of her career building clinical skills and establishing the Oral Health Therapy program of D-spa Group, and later, managing it. She has experienced five years of practice ownership, which gave her unique insight and led to interest in Health Industry Management, holding a Postgraduate Certificate (2016) from Curtin University. In 2018 she completed her Melbourne Tertiary Teaching certificate, and in 2023, graduated with a Master’s of Health Industry Management through the school of Population Health, Curtin University. She is currently studying for a postgraduate certificate in tertiary teaching at the University of Melbourne.
In addition to her professional engagements, Sarah has volunteered with the DHAA for 15 plus years, in the roles of Communication officer, Victorian Chair and is currently fulfilling the role of Vice Chair. Sarah believes it is possible to deliver holistic oral health services that are both kind to the environment and progressively accessible. She is a consistent advocate for her profession. On a personal level, Sarah is an unwitting tennis mum of three, relapsed runner and a vintage French poster art addict who is pretty nifty with Lego!